About us

Established in 2011 under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King, Chithuen Phendhey Association (CPA Bhutan) is a prominent Civil Society Organization dedicated to cultivating a compassionate and resilient society. At its core, the association envisions a nation where the well-being of every individual, family, and community is not just prioritized but safeguarded, creating an environment free from the enduring impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma, addiction, and mental health disparities.
“To foster a resilient community through strategic interventions and support, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and attain enduring mental and physical health."
"A compassionate and resilient Bhutan, free from the enduring impacts of ACEs, trauma, addiction, and mental health disparities”
1. Prevention   2. Treatment   3. Reintegration


  • Prevention is CPA’s main and powerful arsenal and under different preventive programs, we have reached out to 74,700 youth, parents, community members and others, since inception. And it continues with renewed zeal and passion.
  • Through the U-Turn Program, CPA has broken barriers and stigma that people seeking and requiring assistance encountered. Today, communities are much more aware and tolerant.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are at the core of alcohol and substance abuse. Through studies and empirical findings, CPA will strengthen its preventive approach using ACEs.
  • CPA will be a fully competent organization to deal with prevention, treatment and re-integration of issues related to alcohol and drug abuse, based on scientific studies and researches conducted within the country.


There is always a solution


There was a time when alcohol and drug abusers had no doors to knock seeking assistance. Many perished at their prime ages. But not any longer. Under the roofs of the Center of Mind and Happiness, CPA blends the globally accepted treatment practices with the traditional and within a few months, place those who have...
At the Apex of CPA’s objectives


Think about a world where prevention prevails over everything. It would be a beautiful world without battles between countries; love, peace and prosperity in homes and the scourge of alcohol and substance abuse not present even in works of fiction. Prevention is CPA’s main and powerful arsenal...
For a place in the society


What use is a road without a destination? How can recovering addicts stand on their own feet and become responsible citizens? It is a challenge but not something impossible. At CPA, recovering addicts are offered skills in areas of their interest and assistance provided for employment.

Our Ambassador

Our Ambassador for Childhood Adversities Prevention Program at CPA Bhutan. With unwavering commitment, she empowers parents, caregivers, and communities to create a safe heaven for children. Through powerful advocacy, she highlights the importance of nurturing environments, positive parenting, and early intervention. Let her inspiring words reach parents and caregivers. Together, let’s shield children from harm, rewrite their narratives, and pave the way for a brighter future. With Miss Phub Zam’s leadership, we shape a society where children know love, security, and endless possibilities. Let’s be their guardians and architects of happiness.


Towards a common purpose


  • The initial days at CPA were difficult. But the way in which the programs at the center here are aligned have an instant affect. The daily routine keeps you occupied. And the prayers and meditation sessions heal the wounds inside. We learn that everything is in the mind and that addiction is like any other disease. I can justifiably say that I have found my identity and learned about the purpose of life after I reached CPA.

    Jigme Dorji, 30, Chukha.

  • When I came to CPA, I carried nothing with me, except my disease. But when I leave CPA in a month, I will be returning a richer man – physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. I have experienced the value and power of love. I have learned the strength of solidarity. And I have found a new family, CPA.

    Indraman Chhetri, Samtse.

  • I thought that my son would die when we reached the Thimphu hospital as he was an alcoholic. However, after some treatment we were told to go to CPA and the medical staff said that if my son stays at CPA for few months, he will become a normal person. I did as I was told and after 5 months my son returned home, a completely changed person.

    Sonam, Parent

  • Today I am a Desuup and I am proud. But before that I was an alcoholic as well as a drug abuser. My parents took me to CPA and it changed my life. If there is one organization in Bhutan that helps people who are in the gutters, it is CPA.

    A Desuup

(+975) 02 333111
(+975) 17398865 / 17398898
Yangchen Lam, Thimphu.
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